torsdag 10 december 2009


I've tried not to care about the way I dress as much as I did before. Because then I bought clothes every now and then, even if I sometimes bought them at emmaus (and I still do). Buying new clothes often, is really bad for the environment, so I tried to stop. But I don't feel like myself anymore. I need to express myself trough my clothes, I need to wear what I want and just be narrowed by my economi. It makes me feel good to wear clothes that I like for the moment.

But I still care about the environment, and I'm not going to just shrug it off. I don't really know what to do.

Blubb. Jag är lite engelsk idag, jag känner att jag bör vara det oftare, har börjat känna mig så knacklig. Nåja. Nu är det precis skola och jag väntar på att få höra om det verkligen är sant att Kent (the Kent) kommer till Åland i sommar.

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